Author: Abigail Rehard

Supporting future STEM standouts!

Dean’s Award Nominations

Deans Award Nominations are open for sophomore or junior students (max 2 per team) in the SoCal organization. Due no later than DECEMBER 15. Our interviews will be January 20th and 21st, 2024.

Reminder: Kickoff is September 9, 2023

The SoCal FTC Kickoff will be in-person on Saturday, September 9th, from 9am-12pm at three locations: (1) Monrovia High School (main site) located at 845 W. Colorado Blvd, Monrovia,  (2) Liberty High School (satellite site) located at 32255 Leon Road, Winchester, CA 92596 and 3) Ojai Valley School (satellite site)  – Littlefield Student Commons,

ILT Dates


Interleague dates are now set!  As part of your registration fees, all teams are invited to 4 League Meets and your InterLeague Event.  The committee does their best to limit the drive times for teams, but as you can imagine, our region is very spread out, so some longer …

BAE Team Grant App for FLL, FTC and FRC

BAE Systems has opened their grant application for the 2023-24 season for all of the USA – check the grants page (

Grant Details:
The FIRST®/BAE Systems Team Grant Application period is now open for FIRST Lego League (FLL), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) and FIRST Robotics Challenge …

New Leagues: 

Teams! We have 2 new Leagues this year – brings us to 14! New is League G – in the Carson/ Long Beach CA area hosted by Ted Harder of CAMS high school. Coming back is League O2- in the Fountain Valley/ OC area and hosted again by Ryan Pham …

Teams Registered for this season: 24!

We already have 24 teams registered/paid with FIRST and 31 teams in the registration process. We are expecting 190 teams this year and are well on our way!  Once you complete the annual registration with FIRST® (, you are ready to register your team with SoCal FTC.  From …

Save the Date: Kickoff is September 9, 2023

The SoCal FTC Kickoff will be in-person on Saturday, September 9th, from 9am-12pm at three locations: (1) Monrovia High School (main site) located at 845 W. Colorado Blvd, Monrovia,  (2) Liberty High School (satellite site) located at 32255 Leon Road, Winchester, CA 92596 and 3) Ojai Valley School (satellite site)  

Registration is Open for the New Season!

Teams – we are open for registration! Once you complete the annual registration with FIRST® (, you are ready to register your team with SoCal FTC.  From our website,  go to “Season Info” on the menu bar, and click on How to Register. Don’t

Leagues, Inter-Leagues and Championship structure for this season

We will be structured the same way as last year, with Leagues, pre-assigned Inter-League Tournament and a Championship. see link: Each of the 14 Leagues will be assigned one of the seven Inter-League Tournaments (ILT) that will be held on one of the Saturdays or Sundays in late January