Tag: FTC

Supporting future STEM standouts!

New Website, New Season, Registration is Open!

We have a new website name: socalftc.org! You will find general and season information, as well as spotlight videos from other teams. We also have a new email address: info@socalftc.org. Teams – we are open for registration! Once you complete the annual registration with FIRST® (firstinspires.org

Save the Date: Kickoff is September 10, 2022

The SoCal FTC Kickoff will be in-person on Saturday, September 10th, from 9am-12pm at two locations: (1) Monrovia High School located at 845 W. Colorado Blvd, Monrovia, and (2) Heritage High School located at 26001 Briggs Road, Romoland. After the Game Reveal video, teams can see the field elements and

Inter-League Tournaments are Back!

We are back to the pre-COVID format with Inter-League Tournaments! Each of the 14 Leagues will be assigned one of the seven Inter-League Tournaments (ILT) that will be held on one of the Saturdays or Sundays in February. Two Leagues will be assigned to each Inter-League to fill a total